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I have been the head of lifestyle economics at the Institute of Economic Affairs since 2013. Here are some of my research papers, all of which can be downloaded for free.



Drinking, Fast and Slow: Ten years of the Licensing Act


Cheap as Chips: Is a healthy diet affordable?


Of course sin taxes are regressive


Closing Time: Who's killing the British pub?


Sweet Truth: Is there a market failure in sugar? (with Rob Lyons)


Death and Taxes: Why longer lives cost money


Alcohol and the Public Purse: Do drinkers pay their way?


Aggressively Regressive


The Proof of the Pudding: Denmark's Fat Tax Fiasco


Fast Food Outlets and Obesity: What is the evidence?


Sock Puppets


Euro Puppets


The Sock Doctrine


The Crack Cocaine of Gambling?


Never Mind the Gap (with Ryan Bourne)


Truth in Advertising (preface to Advertising in a Free Society)


Are More Equal Countries Happier? (chapter in And the Pursuit of Happiness)


Minimum Unit Pricing (chapter in Flaws and Ceilings)


EU Lifestyle Regulation (chapter in Breaking Up Is Hard To Do)



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